Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover’s infamous mid-air spat has led to many controversies. After Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar, Chandan Prabhakar and Sungandha Mishra’s exit, The Kapil Sharma Show is only struggling to make its place in the TRPs list. But the continuously dropping ratings are only making things worse not only for Kapil Sharma but for the show as well.
While Sunil Grover is all set to entertain people of Ahmedabad with a live show along with Ali, Sugandha, Chandan, Sanket Bhosale and Roshni Chopra, a new member has also made an entry to TKSS and it is none other than the adult film actress Monica Castelino.
But if you are thinking that Sunil and Kapil will fight it out on the small screen, then you are mistaken. Yes, you heard it right. It is not Sunil, but actor-comedian Krushna Abhishek, who is all set to dethrone Kapil’s TKSS with his new show. Titled India Banega Manch, it is an Indian version of Israeli show Win the Crowd. The show will premiere on May 7 on Colors at the same time as that of The Kapil Sharma Show.
In an interview with TOI, Krushna, who never leaves a chance to take a jibe at Kapil Sharma, said that he has no issues with Kapil and the rivalry is between the channels and the shows. Krushna also told that he would like to work with the ace comedian in future and that they are good friends and will always be.
India Banega Manch will be hosted by Krushna and Mon a Singh and it will be interesting to see will Kapil Sharma be able to bring his show back on track in the TRPs list.
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