Pehredaar Piya Ki has created quite an uproar on social media. The serial, currently being aired on Sony TV, shows a 10-year-old boy married a 19-year-old woman. The hatred the show has received is unprecedented and has even sprouted an online petition seeking a ban on the show. What this petition will yield and what not is a being discussed at a large deal on social media. The outrage against this serial is understandable but what we can’t understand is the sick sense of humour people have been displaying.
Few comments on social media that this show garnered are outrightly sick. Being completely oblivious to the fact that the serial promotes a sick culture, few have been enjoying the fact that a 10-year-old kid is getting ‘action’. There are few netizens who are happy their ‘childhood fantasy’ is being turned into reality with this show.
This mentality is a part of the larger problem. In a country like India where incidents of child sexual abuse and paedophilia are brushed under carpet and are not openly discussed openly, this kind of mentality only gives fuel to the fire. By nastily joking about the show people are completely missing the point. Have a look at the sick comments:
Pehredaar Piya Ki is a show which glorifies child marriage and one should not be jealous of the presence of a 10-year-old. The show’s makers have defended the content saying they are getting undue criticism. The lead actress Tejaswi Prakash, who plays the role of Diya, said her and Ratan’s marriage is a part of the plot. She said they are not married to make babies. The actress also went a step ahead and compared her show with HBO’s drama series Game Of Thrones. As soon as she said this, PPK got more hatred with people pointing out everything which was wrong with her explanation.
Here are the comments:
Also read: Pehredaar Piya Ki: Over 43,000 supporters sign petition to ban the show, will the cringe-fest end?
But, as it happens there are not only critics of Pehredaar Piya Ki, but the show also enjoys a considerable fan following and social media has turned into a war of words between both sides. They have defended the show by saying when no one objected to Balika Vadhu, why get all guns blazing against the show? The supporters have also accused the media of spreading false rumours about the show and say that child marriage is a part of Indian culture and the show should not be banned. Check the comments here:
And here is a sarcastic take on the show:
And someone who clearly had this to say:
Also read: Today in OMG-gross: Pehredaar Piya Ki’s child-groom to go on honeymoon after ‘suhaag raat’
Well, Pehredaar Piya Ki has definitely started a lot of conversations. Let us wait to see how the results fan out as.
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