Pehredaar Piya Ki has been pulled off the air after the show courted controversy owing to its content. The show which started a few weeks ago showed a marriage between a 19-year-old woman with a 10-year-old boy. The regressive content of the show, that aired on Sony, was slammed by many and an online petition was filed to place a ban the show. The makers said it was unwarranted criticism and they asked people to watch the show first before they criticised. But it seems, the damage had already been done and Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC) has taken an action.
Apparently, the government has pulled the plug on the show and it has been banned. The show did not air yesterday, on August 28. This sudden decision shocked the actors. They had thought that their problems were gone as the slot of the show was changed from 8 PM to 10 PM according to the BCCC directives. The show was also slated for a leap in October and everyone thought that it would give the show a new lease.
When the show ended abruptly, it took the actors unaware. “Yes. If the episode hasn’t aired then you know the news is true,” actor Jiten Lalwani told a leading daily.
Suyyash Rai, who plays an important role in the show said, “If this is happening, then I am shocked. I was waiting to re-enter the show after the leap. Tejaswi is a close friend so I wanted to be a support to her and work with her. I wanted the show to do well as a lot of hard work goes into a show when it is launched. So many people including technicians will lose their jobs when the show shuts.”
Also read: Pehredaar Piya Ki to take leap in October, makers claim it has nothing to do with controversies
Well, the critics of the show would be really happy after reading this. The surprise among the actors is understandable but the fact that the show was outrightly regressive is also true. Maybe if the writer would have invested more time and came up with a better story, this perhaps would not have happened.
Meanwhile, as Sony TV has pulled its controversial show Pehredaar Piya Ki off air, the makers have now claimed to return back with a renewed story. Producer Sumeet Mittal while talking to a leading daily revealed that taking the show off air was a mutual decision between them and the broadcasters as they are currently developing the content for an earlier time slot.
He said, “No, these reports are absolutely wrong. Taking the show off air was a mutual decision between us and broadcasters. We are very much working on the story right now. We are developing the content for an earlier time slot. Due to the late time slot, we decided to shut off the show and come back with a renewed story, which would answer all the objections that viewers had from the concept.”
(Source: Hindustan Times)
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