The makers of Sony TV’s new show Pehredaar Piya Ki have finally broken their silence over the controversy behind shooting the honeymoon sequences between the lead pairs Diya and Ratan. The producer of the show Shashi Mittal, present at a press conference on Monday, August 15, has slammed the protests and cleared the air on there being no honeymoon sequence in the upcoming episodes and also asked them to watch the show before passing any judgment.
Talking to the media at a press conference over the content of Pehredaar Piya Ki, Shashi Mittal said: “The intention of calling people today is to tell you about the show. People can write whatever they want to after they know about the show. The basis of this whole controversy are rumours. I was shocked to know about the honeymoon sequence (between Diya and Ratan), which is not there at all. The facts are given in the episodes that have been telecasted. So it is better that people watch and then comment. On the show, people around him (Ratan) manipulate him to go on a honeymoon. But the girl (Diya) does not reciprocate to what he says because she knows people are spoiling his mind. I don’t understand what made people start this controversy. People who have seen it and misjudged it or who have not seen it, are just reacting to one promo or hearsay.”
Following the rumours of having honeymoon scenes in the show, many people slammed the show for such content and even filed petitions against the show at the Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC), seeking a permanent ban. On being asked about the same, Shashi clarified and said:
We will not change the plotline of the show. We will clear our take in front of the BCCC.” Co-producer and husband, Sumeet also added, “Will ask BCCC to watch all the episodes and will abide by what they decide. Let them see the content. We will decide as things come. The channel is confident about the content and they know nothing is objectionable about it.
Also Read: Pehredaar Piya Ki: Over 43,000 supporters sign petition to ban the show, will the cringe-fest end?
Pehredaar Piya Ki, a Hindi TV show has grabbed attention with its regressive plot and for promoting child marriage. It shows a girl aged 18 married to a nine-year-old boy. Pehredaar Piya Ki suffered a lot of criticism for its content.
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