The TV show Pehredaar Piya Ki has been at the centre of many controversies lately. The Sony TV serial which features an unlikely marriage between a 10-year-old boy and a 19-year-old woman has faced ire from every nook and corner. Now reports are abuzz the show will take a 12-year-leap. A source in the know told a daily the leap was scheduled in October and it has nothing to do with the controversies.
“The leap will happen at the scheduled time. It’s not that this leap is happening because of all the controversy or the petition that has been filed. The leap was always supposed to take place in October, three months from the day —July 17 — the show went on air,” the source said. Meanwhile after BCCC (Broadcasting Content Complaints Council) stepped in the show will now be aired at 10 PM. An official statement by the channel read, “As per the decision of BCCC we are shifting the time slot of Pehredaar Piya Ki to 10 pm. The change will reflect from August 22 onwards.”
Also read: Pehredaar Piya Ki to go through new changes as BCCC steps in. Read details
The show’s sequence of the marriage got it slammed. Few even started an online petition seeking a ban on it. Many said the content was outrightly regressive and it should be stopped. After all the ire the show faced, the lead actress Tejasswi Prakash said:
I feel it’s just a story and fiction. It’s just a story that we are telling people. So how can you judge any story? You like it okay, you don’t like it, so, you don’t like it. We are not professors, we are not trying to teach you anything.I think it’s really progressive. But again, a lot of people believe in judging a book by its cover… They love being judgmental and people have nothing better to do than judging somebody else’s work. Then okay, what can I do?
Now that the show is taking a leap, it would obviously mean Ratan’s would get older. But the leap pre-planned? What do you think?
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