Recently, actress Kamya Punjabi released the teaser of a short film, which stars her late friend Pratyusha Banerjee. Titled Hum Kuchh Kah Na Sakey, the short film will take us on a journey of Pratyusha’s reel and real life. In fact, it is also being said that the film will also reveal the real reason of her death.
Pratyusha Banerjee committed suicide last year on 1 April and her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh has been charged for abetment of suicide in the death case. Kamya, who was one of her closest friends has decided to release the film on Pratyusha’s first death anniversary.
Soon after the release of film’s teaser, Rahul Raj Singh filed a complained against Kamya Punjabi at the Versova police station in Mumbai, saying that the video is fake. He said that Kamya is doing all this for publicity and it is a bad attempt of making money by using the name of a dead person.
In an interview with BollywoodLife, when the actress was asked to comment on the same, an angry Kamya said, ‘So, did he know that she was going to end her life? Did he know that she was so depressed that she would commit suicide? Tell him to keep his mouth shut. I am not answerable to the world and him.’
She further added that Rahul should get his facts clear, as the money of the film will be given to Pratyusha’s parents and as a friend she is just doing what is right. She also said that Pratyusha belongs to a middle-class family from Jamshedpur and her parents have been travelling frequently for her court case. All the money from the film will go to them for their financial security.
Well, one thing is for sure that this film is going to bring back many memories of the late actress.
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