Karan Johar’s flagship talk show Koffee With Karan generates a lot of eyeballs whenever it releases across the globe. The filmmaker invites celebrities from the industry who indulge in candid conversations with him on the couch. The talk show is no stranger to controversies as the five seasons have witnessed the instances when B-town stars issued statements that evoked strong reactions. Ranbir Kapoor, who appeared in KWK‘s fifth season with Ranveer Singh, made a startling revelation in an interview recently.
“You know Karan so well and he makes you so comfortable and you are chatting with him and you actually don’t realise there are a billion people taking every word of yours seriously. And that you are going to get screwed for it later,” the Jagga Jasoos actor stated.
“I am tired of Koffee with Karan. I was forced this season. I told Karan I don’t want to come in and me and Anushka were actually going to protest and get the film industry together to stop this because it’s not fair. He is making money out of us. We come and we get screwed through the year. It’s not right,” he added.
Also read: Interview: Ranbir Kapoor opens up on life, movies and Katrina Kaif like never before
The statement might not go down well with KJo, who is in the midst of a fiery nepotism debate involving Kangana Ranaut. The 45-year-old director was snubbed by the three-times National Award winning actress on his show when she accused him of being “a flag-bearer of nepotism” and a “movie mafia”. Johar took a dig at Kangana during the IIFA 2017 Awards event, but his snide ‘Nepotism Rocks’ remark backfired and he apologised later.
With Ranbir speaking his mind on the show, we wonder how Johar will react to this.
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