TV actress Shilpa Shinde, who became a household name owing to her stint in comedy show Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai, has filed a sexual harassment case against the producer of the show. Shilpa, who left the comedy show last year, alleged that the show’s producer Sanjay Kohli asked for sexual favours. She also alleged Kohli touched her inappropriately. Kohli and her wife Benaifer run Edit-2 productions which have shows like May I Come In Madam? and FIR, under its banner.
Shilpa lodged a FIR Waliv police station in Vasai., reported that Shilpa in her FIR said she battled depression in the last year and it took a toll on her. She said many women in the industry feared to speak out but she would do so.
The actress revealed Sanjay touched her breasts and waists and also tried to hug her forcefully many times. She reportedly told:
Once make-up man Pinku Patwa saw him harassing me. Pinku was sacked the next day. When I spurned his advances, he sacked me from the show.
Last year, Shilpa quitting Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai had raised many eyebrows. Shilpa alleged the producers didn’t treat her well and didn’t pay her dues. She also said how she was pressurised at work constantly. The producers of the show hit back at Shilpa after her claims, and CINTAA banned her. Post the ban, Shilpa was forbidden to work with many shows.
Also read: Accused of sexual harassment, TVF founder Arunabh Kumar asked to record his statement
However, Shiv Sena backed Shilpa Shinde after the ban and asked CINTAA to withdraw it.
But now that Shilpa has levelled serious offences against Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai’s producer, we hope the truth is revealed soon. Refuting Shilpa’s claims against her husband, Benaifer told a leading daily that she was lying. She said:
We’ve a strong case against her for the damages she caused; that figure runs into crores. But I have full faith in the judiciary; we will see her in court.
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