Actress Shilpa Shinde, who came into limelight with Life OK’s show Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai! shocked everyone when she quit the show. She has made a shocking revelation about the show’s producer Sanjay Kohli. She recently filed a case aginst him and alleged that Sanjay asked for sexual favors from her. Shilpa also alleged that he touched her inappropriately. But what grabbed everyone’s attention was why Shilpa had kept her mum for almost a year.
Recently, Kavita Kaushik reacted over Shilpa Shinde’s whole incident and slammed her for not speaking up about the alleged sexual harassment for so long. Talking to a leading daily, Kavita was quoted as saying, “The woman card is a precious one. If used for truth, it brings immense power and success, but if used for a lie, it may give momentary success but it brings dark karma.”
Also Read: Shilpa Shinde files sexual harassment case against Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai producer Sanjay Kohli
Reacting to Kavita’s statement, Shilpa finally decided to react. Talking to HT, she said that it is not easy to talk about such issues. People feel that she is doing all these for the sake of money. Taking about Kavita’s comment on her, Shilpa said, “I want to tell her (Kavita), who said I am setting a bad example for other girls who go through this, that she is right. I shouldn’t have waited. If you wait, then you are blamed for waiting. I want to tell the girls, ‘Don’t wait. Talk about it when it happens'”.
Also Read: Exclusive: Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai’s Saumya Tandon opens up about difficulties of being a TV star
Currently, Shubhangi Atre is essaying the role of Angoori Bhabhi, which was earlier essayed by Shilpa Shinde. Apart from her, Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai! also features Saumya Tandon, Aashif Sheikh and Rohitash Gaud in the lead roles.
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