Since Sunil Grover’s had a spat with Kapil Sharma, it has become the one topic that has kept everyone hooked. After the row broke out, there have been many speculations about Sunil leaving the show. Now the man himself has spoken on quitting The Kapil Sharma Show. While speaking to a leading daily, Sunil said he needed few days to think over this. He requested media to give him space and promised to speak after clearing his head.
Earlier there were reports that Sunil has demanded a fee hike from Kapil after the episode, but seems this was only a spineless rumour. The controversy began a few days ago when Kapil verbally abused Sunil on a flight from Australia to Mumbai. It was reported that initially, Kapil was joking about Chandan Prabhakar, after which Sunil stepped in and asked him to take it a notch lower. On Sunil’s intervention, Kapil lost his cool and yelled at him.
When the news broke, Kapil shunned the reports. He accepted to yelling at Sunil but said it was a family matter and no one should interfere. However, when things didn’t get any better Kapil Sharma wrote an apology to Sunil on Twitter. After his apology, Sunil too took to the microblogging website and asked Kapil to stop behaving like God. Sunil, in his tweet, wrote, that Kapil made him realise his position and the fact that he could throw anyone from his show anytime.
Also read: Krushna Abhishek takes Kapil Sharma’s side in the ongoing feud with Sunil Grover
While these fight showed no signs of ending, fresh reports surfaced that Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar are also planning to quit The Kapil Sharma Show as they are upset with Kapil’s arrogance. But, there are parallel reports doing rounds of media that say none of the artists are leaving the show.
Also read: #Throwback: 5 times Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover got together to make us laugh out loud
With Sunil Grover speaking on the matter, we really will have to wait for few days to know his decision. We are sure fans of the show would want him back on the show at the earliest.
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