Sunil Grover has quit The Kapil Sharma Show and reiterated that he is not doing any TV show of his own. The comedian said he is happy doing live shows and will inform if an offer for television comes in his way. However, he has now taken a step which will give a lot of sleepless nights to TKSS host Kapil Sharma.
Sunil Grover is doing his first live show in Ahmedabad. Titled ‘Comedy Family’, the event will be held on May 27. Interestingly, the ones sharing the stage with him include Ali Asgar, Chandan Prabhakar, Sugandha Mishra and Sanket Bhosale. TV actor Roshni Chopra is also a part of the show. These are the actors who were once a part of The Kapil Sharma Show and called it quits following the fallout between Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma. The show’s host has a lot to worry. “Ahmedabad see you on 27th May! Garmi ma Mango Khau su! Badha sathe aau chu..!” Grover wrote on his Facebook wall.
Despite quitting TKSS, Grover’s popularity continues to soar as he manages to attract huge crowd at his stage shows. On the other hand, Kapil Sharma is finding it extremely difficult to contain the depleting TRPs of his flagship show.
Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover fell out following an in-flight brawl which took place while travelling from Melbourne to Mumbai. It is alleged that Kapil in a drunken state had verbally and physically abused Grover. Since then, the latter along with Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar did not turn up for the show’s shooting. Sharma took to social media to apologise to the comedian.
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