We are no stranger to the massive controversy that Sony TV’s show, Pehredaar Piya Ki stirred back in July. The show, with the minor-adult love theme, tried to normalise the marriage between an 18-year-old girl named Diya and a 9-year-old prince named Ratan Singh. Apparently, the makers also thought that it was quite fine for the young husband to caress, charm and stalk his much older wife. In fact, there was even a ‘honeymoon’ episode.
Yes, the storyline was awful and made everyone cringe. And so, people signed a petition and wrote to the I&B Ministry requesting to ban the show.
After a lot of debates and discussions, the show finally went off-air sometime in August. Now, the show is back with a renewed storyline. While actress Tejasswai Prakash can be seen reprising her old character — Diya in the new show, it’s Rohit Suchanti who has stepped into the shoes of Ratan Singh.
The trailer of the new show, titled Rishta Likhenge Hum Naya is here and it’s refreshingly different. It shows a grown-up Ratan Singh, smart enough to play a prank on his wife. The show seems to have maintained the basic premise of its storyline – Diya’s promise made to the king that she will always protect prince Ratan. However, how it begins to create a romantic bond out of Diya and Ratan’s relationship is something to watch out for. Watch the trailer here:
Meanwhile, check out how people have reacted to the new trailer:
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