Actress Pankuri Awasthy, who will be seen essaying the role of a rape victim in upcoming TV show Kya Kasoor Hai Amla Ka? has opened up about the harassment she faced once. Pankhuri revealed how she stood up when one man touched her inappropriately and slapped him. Pankhuri made this revelation recently and this would definitely give other girls more courage to stand up for themselves.
Speaking about the incident, Pankhuri said, “Mumbai is one of the safest cities in India if I tell by my experience. I have stayed in Delhi, Chandigarh, Noida, and Bengaluru, and have visited other cities also. I won’t say cities are safe for women,”
“When I was in Delhi, I used to travel to college by Metro and so many instances have happened with me. That time (in college), you’re so young and you don’t realise half of the things that are happening to you. Cities are not safe for girls. If you think you can go out at night, you can’t do so without being scared,” Pankhuri added.
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However, now she feels happy about raising her voice against harassment. “Earlier, I didn’t have the courage to stand up against it. Now I do stand up. Recently, I was in Bengaluru with my friends and I was wearing a skirt. There was this guy who came and he had the courage to touch my thighs. I slapped him then and there itself,” she said.
“I stop there and say out a few bad words when somebody tries to tease me. I can’t keep quiet now. I am proud of myself for doing that,” she added.
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By speaking about the incident, Pankhuri has once again brought to light the issue of women safety. These incidents bring us back to the question- when will women feel safe in their own country? It is really high time.
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