Actor Barun Sobti, who is returning to the small screen after five years with the third season of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon, says unlike his on-screen avatar in the forthcoming show, he is a very calm person in real life.
Barun became a popular name after his portrayal of Advay Singh Raizada alongside actress Sanaya Irani in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon. While he will be seen having the same angry young man image in the upcoming third season of the show, he says there are no similarities that the third season will have.
“I am very far away from being angry. I really don’t get angry most of the time. I am a patient person. But if I doesn’t display anger, that doesn’t mean I am not angry,” Barun said here on Friday.
“He (Advay) is definitely angry. But there are no similarities between the character I played earlier to this one. The new show has an entirely different story, backdrop and new characters. It has nothing to do with the one I played earlier. It’s not a continuation of that show,” he added.
Also read: Not only Barun Sobti’s fans but this special person is also super excited for his come back
So, why have the makers called it a third season?
“When I was approached by the makers, at that time I really liked the story. So, eventually we decided that it should be called a third installment. It’s not my call to call it a third installment. The channel decided to call the Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon,” Barun said.
Barun has been paired with actress Shivani Tomar in the show, which will soon be aired on Star Plus.
Also read: Sanaya Irani has a special message for Barun Sobti before Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3 hits TV
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