There seems to be no end to the ongoing cold war between comedians Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma. The latter’s flagship The Kapil Sharma Show is finding a hard time regaining viewership as in the past due to the absence of Chandan Prabhakar and Ali Asgar, who backed Grover. It is unlikely that Grover will return to TKSS, if his recent tweet on ‘intentions to act and entertain with dignity’ are to be believed.
Now, veteran comedian Sunil Pal has taken up the task to convince Grover to patch up with Kapil and return to TKSS. In an emotional message on Facebook, Pal urged the duo to work together again.
“You (Grover) are a brilliant artiste. But don’t forget that an artiste needs a bigger platform to attain greatness. As a comedian, I have worked a lot. But I did not get a big platform other than The Great Indian Laughter Challenge. You and Kapil have taken the show (TKSS) to great heights of popularity. If the show is a chariot, you both are the wheels,” Pal, who won the first edition of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge, said. “I fear both of you might not be able to prosper if gone separate ways. I admit Kapil might be at fault. But you are a part of a family and there are some issues. Please forgive him,” he added further.
Pal also urged both the comedians to return for the sake of 500 people who are earning their livelihood because of the show. He cautioned Grover to be wary of people from rival channels who are misinforming him.
Sunil Grover has refused to shoot for the Kapil Sharma Show since the alleged in-flight brawl which took place between him and Kapil Sharma while travelling from Melbourne to Mumbai. The Kis Kisko Pyaar Karun actor is said to have verbally and physically abused Grover in a drunken state.
It is yet to be seen whether Sunil Grover is moved by the veteran comedian’s request or not.
Also read: It’s confirmed! Sunil Grover will not return to The Kapil Sharma Show. Here’s why
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