The new show of Sony Pehredaar Piya Ki, which shows a marriage between an 18-year-old woman and 10-year-old boy in Rajasthan, has received flak. Termed as regressive by many, the makers of the show have come out in its defense. The producer, Sumeet Mittal, of the show in an interview to a daily said people should wait for more episodes to come. He added the show doesn’t promote child marriage and there is no angle of romance between the protagonists.
For the uninitiated, Pehredaar Piya Ki is a story of Diya who marries Ratan. The first episode of the show sparked outrage as it showed the 10-year-old boy stalking Diya and clicking pictures of her without permission. The plot of the show was slammed but the producer maintains it promotes freedom of expression. In the interview, he said, “The best part we all love about the show is the freedom of Diya’s character. She is not forced to take the decision. It is her own choice to marry the boy.”
“The circumstances that Ratan goes through in the show is such that only a person close to him can protect him. Even a friend or a well-wisher cannot be a shadow to a 10-year-old boy,” he added defending the marriage sequence. When probed if the show promoted child marriage, the producer answered in the negative. He said, “It is nothing related to marriage. Boys at that age talk about fairy tales. It is a very innocent fascination, which has nothing to do with marriage or romance. A 10-year-old boy cannot understand the meaning of marriage.”
Also read: ‘Pehredaar Piya Ki’ is basically a nightmare on a downward spiral
Talking about the backlash, Sumeet said he never experienced any such thing. He added as the time passes, everyone will connect to the show and understand its plot better. Refuting any chances of Pehredaar Piya Ki being a love story, Sumeet added, “It is the story of a rare bonding and a friendship. Even after their marriage, it is a story of an innocent bond.” He went on, “Love has no particular definition. We love our parents and kids and that is love. We love our friends and that also is love.”
Also read: Porus: This new show can really change the dynamics of grandeur and regressive content on Hindi TV
Now that the makers have broken the silence on this show, we wonder if critics would buy this explanation or not.
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