The official teaser of Telugu actor Jr NTR’s upcoming film Jai Lava Kusa has been released. The film, which is said to be an action thriller stars Tarak in three different roles, as Jai, Lava and Kusa. Jointly written by director K.S. Ravindra, Kona Venkat and Chakravarthy, Jai Lava Kusa has been bankrolled by Jr NTR’s brother and Telugu actor Nandamuri Kalyan Ram.
Interestingly, Jai Lava Kusa teaser only reveals one of the Jr NTR’s characters in the film. The teaser features the Janatha Garage actor in an interesting avatar as Jai, an ardent worshiper of King Raavana. According to Jai, no one was brave enough to defeat the demon king in any battle. Apart from Jr NTR’s terrific screen presence, another factor to look out for in Jai Lava Kusa teaser is the haunting ‘Asura, Asura’ background score. The makers have succeeded to bring curiosity with the teaser as the audience are not sure whether Jai character is the hero or the antagonist role in the film. Not to forget, it was earlier reported that Jai Lava Kusa marks the Telugu debut of Bollywood actor Ronit Roy as the antagonist of the film. Going by the teaser, Jr NTR’s Jai seems like a character which has negative shades.
Jai Lava Kusa stars Raashi Khanna and Malayalam actress Nivetha Thomas in pivotal roles. The film also marks the second Telugu outing of Nivetha after the successful Telugu debut, Gentleman. The music of the film has been composed by Devi Sri Prasad while Chota K Naidu cranks the camera.
Also read: Filmfare Awards South 2017 winners list: R Madhavan, Jr. NTR, Samantha win big
Jai Lava Kusa is scheduled to hit the screens on 21 September 2017.
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