Finally, after the wait of two years the trailer of Baahaubali: The Conclusion has arrived. Though the trailer was expected to be released on the internet only by Thursday evening, the makers unveiled all versions early morning. While addressing the media, SS Rajamouli spoke about the early release of the trailer. He said that due to some technical glitch on Facebook, the video got out before time. Well, it was a pleasant surprise for the fans.
The trailer has already clocked over 10 million views within just a few hours of being posted online. The grand visual effects and power-packed performance have made the trailer look much appealing and this time expectations are quite high. The trailer of Baahubali 2 shows everything from love to greed to betrayal to revenge. The highlight of the film is both the actors — Prabhas and Rana Daggubati.
Earlier, the second part of Baahubali was scheduled to hit the theatres in 2016, however, that didn’t happen. Also, with the release of the trailer the infamous question — Why Kattappa killed Baahubali, is back and various fan theories are doing rounds on the internet, but fans have to wait until April 28 for the answer.
ALSO WATCH: Do these 3 fan theories answer why Katappa killed Baahubali?
While we are still waiting for the answer, the makers have decided to release Baahubali: The Beginning once again in theatres. The release will take place a week before the second edition hits the theatres.
It was very much expected that the release of Baahubali trailer would be grand and fans will go bonkers after watching it. But it is not only in India, the fans overseas have also reacted after watching the trailer. Watch some of the reactions here:
ALSO READ: Twitterati goes gaga over Rajamouli’s Baahubali 2 trailer, declare it a hit even before release
Here’s this video of an Israeli girl, who watched the trailer. In the video, you will only hear words like amazing, great and wow. Watch it here:
Here’s how Australian girls reacted to the video. So, these girls have already watched the first part and loved it:
This is what happened when a German girl watch the trailer:
This is epic! This American girl knows everything about the film:
European girl has something more to say:
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