Jagga Jasoos embarked onto a slow start at the Box Office upon its release following which it showed a positive trend by recording reasonable jump in collections over the weekend. The increase in biz over the weekend hinted that the film might have a good long run at the Box Office. However, the film has crashed at the Box Office on Monday which has completely sealed its fate. The Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif film raked in approximately Rs 4.05 crore on Monday, July 17, taking the four day total of the film to Rs 37. 22 crore.
The budget of the film went haywire due to the constant delays and reshoots over the last four years. According to our trade sources, the landing cost of the film was Rs 120 crore (Cost of Production + Print and Publicity). Given the genre of the film, the Anurag Basu directorial was too big a risk. The film would have had some sort of chance at the Box Office if it would have been merely an adventure. However, the musical aspect of the film deserted a wide section of the audience. While talking to us, several exhibitors (not wanting to be named) revealed that the musical aspect could not hold the attention of audiences for a long time.
Also read: Why doesn’t Ranbir Kapoor look into one’s eyes while talking?
What’s the problem?
Jagga Jasoos isn’t a bad film on the face of it, just that it appeals to a very limited section of the audience. The problem with multiplex driven films like Jagga Jasoos is the fact that they don’t appeal to the masses whereas the multiplex audience would give it a chance only if the reports are phenomenal. There is another section of an audience on ‘social media’ (the minorities) who often crib about the pattern of films made in Bollywood and demand something different, but when the directors and actors go out of the way to try something new, they prefer to watch it by downloading them from several websites.
The loss
The production house, Disney India would lose approximately Rs 40 to 50 crore of their investment as, given the crash in collections on Monday, the movie is looking to end its run at the Box Office at collections close to Rs 55 to 58 crore in India. Jagga Jasoos has failed to strike gold at the Box Office, even in the overseas market.
A film like Jagga Jasoos made at a right budget would break even. However, the constant delays had murdered the chances of the film at the Box Office long back. The losses would have been far higher, but the non-theatrical revenue from the sale of digital and satellite rights reduced the quantum of losses.
Also read: Interview: Ranbir Kapoor opens up on life, movies and Katrina Kaif like never before
We have often heard the axiom, ‘films don’t fail, budgets do’ and Jagga Jasoos proves that such a scenario does exist.
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