The Viral Fever Founder and CEO Arunabh Kumar, who had been accused of sexual harassment in an anonymous blog a few months ago, has resigned. Kumar shared an open letter to Twitter where he stated, “I have decided to step down as #TVFCEO.”
Arunabh Kumar’s decision to step down as the CEO came nearly three months after he was accused of molestation. “The last few months have been the most challenging ones of my life and I would like to thank my friends for their unwavering support,” Kumar wrote.
Earlier, the TVF Founder was accused of workplace sexual harassment by an anonymous blog posted by Indian Fowler, which landed him in the centre of a controversy. Following the original post, several other women came out in support of the blog, raising further allegations against Kumar. As per the blog post titled ‘The Indian Uber – That Is TVF’, the writer faced sexual harassment on several accounts over two years during her tenure at TVF. The post detailed that Kumar sought a connection with the author since both of them hailed from the state of Bihar.
Soon after the blog post went viral, TVF immediately and unapologetically rubbished the allegations. However, the tables soon turned against TVF after several other allegations surfaced. Given the staggering amount of testimonies, a complaint was filed against Arunabh by lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui.
“We made a grave mistake, by reacting instinctively, in our first official response,” Kumar wrote in his open letter. He apologised on behalf of TVF for their initial reaction saying, “While no amount of apologies can undo the mistake, I would like to again apologise from the bottom of our hearts for letting you all down and thus humbly accept the brickbats we received from all of you for that insensitive response.”
I have decided to step down as #TVFCEO
— Arunabh Kumar (@TheQtiyapaGuy) June 16, 2017
Arunabh will be succeeded by Dhawal Gusain, who has been with The Viral Fever since 2015. In the past, Gusain, who graduated from the Stanford Graduate School of Business with an MBA, has served with Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), PwC’s Strategy& and DropThought.
ALSO READ: TVF founder Arunabh Kumar booked for molestation
ALSO READ: TVF molestation row: Co-founder Arunabh Kumar gets anticipatory bail
ALSO READ: Arunabh Kumar would brush his hand against my waist, alleges woman in the chargesheet
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