Baahubali director SS Rajamouli is prepping day and night for his upcoming period epic RRR. Reported to be based on two Indian revolutionaries from the 1920s, the film announced 3 international actors as newest members of the cast. Ray Stevenson, Olivia Morris and Alison Doody have joined the likes of Jr NTR, Ram Charan Teja, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn on Rajamouli’s highly-anticipated film.
#RayStevenson, it’s a pleasure to have you play the lead antagonist #SCOTT in #RRRMovie. Can’t wait to begin shooting with you. #RRR.
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) November 20, 2019
Stevenson, who has earlier starred in big-ticket films like Thor: Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok, will reportedly essay the character of Lord Scott. While Alison Doody might be seen playing the role of Lady Scott. Olivia Morris is reported to be playing a character called Jennifer, who has been described as the ‘love-interest’ of Jr NTR’s character. Primarily a TV actor, Doody is best known for her roles in Indian Jones: The Last Crusade.
Welcome to Indian cinema, #AlisonDoody! Had a wonderful time shooting for your first schedule… We are glad to have you play lead antagonist #LADYSCOTT in #RRRMovie! #RRR
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) November 20, 2019
Rajamouli’s follow-up to the gargantuan event of the Baahubali films, has been kept under wraps for the most part. The film is rumoured to be based on the lives of two freedom fighters – Komram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju, played by NTR Jr and Ram Charan Teja respectively. This will also be the first time both Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn appear in a Telugu film. Devgn has earlier done pre-independence period films like The Legend of Bhagat Singh, and so has Alia Bhatt if we count Kalank.
Welcome aboard #OliviaMorris @OliviaMorris891! We are happy to have you play the female lead #JENNIFER. Looking forward for the shoot. #RRRMovie #RRR.
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) November 20, 2019
The foreign actors usually get a raw deal in Indian films, given how these characters are always bereft of any complexity. Their villainy becomes a caricature after a point. The last decent foreign actor performance in a Hindi film was by Richard McCabe in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Rangoon. And even he became a one-note angrez by the end. Will Rajamouli change the course of Indian films’ xenophobic ways? Also, will Rajamouli will be able to escape the looming shadow of the Baahubali films?
RRR is slated for release in 10 languages, next year.
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