Four years after she won accolades for her performance as hapless Vidya Bagchi in Kahaani, Vidya Balan will be seen in the sequel to the 2012 thriller. And trust us, it’s gonna be a cracker of all sorts this winter. The producers of the film recently unveiled the first dialogue promo and Vidya impresses us with her performance. Also seen in the 20-second video is Arjun Rampal, who plays the role of a feisty cop looking for Durga Rani Singh alias Vidya Sinha (both played by Vidya). As seen in the promo, Vidya is seen pulling off some terrific stunts thereby generating a lot of interest even before this Sujoy Ghosh-directed film hits the theatre on December 2.
Besides Rampal, Kahaani 2 also features Jugal Hansraj and Bengali actor Tota Roy Chowdhury. The prequel featuring Vidya Balan had generated a lot of positive reviews, fetching her a Filmfare Award for Best Actress. She played a pregnant woman searching for her missing husband in Kolkata during Durga Puja. The film also featured Parambrata Chatterjee and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Kahaani 2 will be Vidya’s second film of the current year, after a cameo in Amitabh Bachchan-starrer Te3n. She was last seen in Mohit Suri’s Hamaari Adhuri Kahaani opposite Emraan Hashmi.
Looking at the trailer and teasers of Vidya Balan’s Kahaani 2, it can be anticipated that this is going to be the suspense thriller of the year.
In case you missed the trailer of this film, watch it here.
Prior to the trailer release, promos introducing Vidya Balan’s character were also released to evoke interest among the viewers.
And this one too.
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