Vidya Balan will soon be playing former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The actor recently revealed in an interview with Mid-day that she will be portraying the former leader in a web series based on Sagarika Ghose’s book, Indira: India’s Most Powerful Prime Minister.
Earlier, there was lack of clarity whether the book would be developed into a series or a proper feature film, but given the vast scope of material, the makers have decided to adapt the book into a web series.
“There is too much material for it be made into a film. So, we decided to turn it into a web series. We don’t know how many seasons we will be allotting to it. We are in the process of putting together a team,” Balan told Mid-Day.
Producer Ronnie Screwvala will be financing the show. Balan also revealed that it will take some time for the project to go on floors as a lot of research work is needed to develop the script. On being asked whether they would be seeking permission from Gandhi family, Balan said they will not be seeking approval by them as they already have the book’s rights.
The Ishqiya actor is excited about her debut in Telugu film industry.
“It is my first Telugu film, so I am very excited as I have never spoken and delivered dialogues in other language. I did a small appearance in a Malayalam film but here I have a full-fledged role,” she told PTI. In the yet to be titled NTR biopic, she will be portraying the role of the legendary actor’s wife Basavatarakam. NTR’s son Balakrishna will play the role of NTR (in the film), which is being directed by Krish.
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