It has been quite long that Deepika Padukone has been absent from the silver screen. Her last Bollywood release was Bajirao Mastani released in 2015 and the next Hindi movie which she is a part of is Padmavati, that will be releasing in November this year. We are sure her fans would be missing Deepika and here is a video that will provide just the thing they need.
Deepika featured in an advertisement for Coca-Cola and the video is nothing but a treat for her fans. The video shows how Deepika’s goofiness is intact, despite the fact that she is a global name now. In the clip, the actress shows her dance moves but Deepika had someone else to give company to her as well. Wondering who? The person with whom Deepika can be seen dancing is not any star but the housekeeper in the hotel. How the housekeeper got a chance to shake a leg with the diva, is a story which you cannot miss.
The Mastani of Bollywood is one of the favourites when it comes to brand endorsements. Deepika is the face of many brands across verticals, be it hair care, bags or apparel. Hence, she landing a deal with Coca-Cola is not such a big deal after all.
Also read: Here’s why Padmavati director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is unhappy with Deepika Padukone
As mentioned earlier, Deepika will be soon seen in Padmavati, playing the role of brave Rajput princess Rani Padmini. Helmed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the movie features Shahid Kapoor in the role of Deepika’s husband Raja Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh will be seen as Alauddin Khilji. The magnum opus got marred in controversies after a fringe group in Rajasthan raised objections over the content of the movie. They alleged that the movie demeaned their brave queen and ended up vandalising the sets.
Later Deepika condemned the attack and said that as the protagonist of the movie, she can claim that people from Rajasthan would be proud of it.
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