Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has proven once again that he is one of the most admirable figures in Bollywood at the moment. The 42-year-old actor has just shared a video of himself which proves that art runs through his veins. In a video posted to the Facebook page of FilmPost, Siddiqui can be seen holding up placards which say that he has just had a DNA test done. The following placards state that the DNA results showed he is 16.66% Hindu, Christian, Muslim and all the other religions in the world.
“Hi, I am Nawazuddin Siddiqui. I had got my DNA test done & when the report came in, I found that I am 16.66% Hindu, 16.66% Muslim, 16.66% Sikh, 16.66% Christian, 16.66% Buddhist, 16.66% all the other religion in the world…” For each religion that he names, he wore a culturally significant garment.
The following cards that Siddiqui holds say, “But, when I discovered ‘my soul’ I found that I am a 100% artist.” Truer words have never been spoken.
It doesn’t matter which religious views you uphold, what matters for an artist is their skill and their ability to touch hearts and minds throughout. And that is just what Nawazuddin Siddiqui does. He started off small, doing minor roles in Black Friday, Peepli Live, and Kahaani, but it was only after Gangs of Wasseypur 2 that he got the recognition he deserves.
The video which has been shot in a style that has gotten very popular since the emergence of Gurmehar Kaur. Here is the full video:
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