The official trailer for the much-awaited short film Raakh was released today. The film stars many of Bollywood’s acclaimed actors including Vir Das, Richa Chadha and Shaad Randhawa. Presented by Officers Choice Blue, the film features the direction of Milap Zaveri, who is well-known for films like Masti, Heyy Babyy and Grand Masti.
For a change, comedian Vir Das will portray a negative role in the film and judging by the trailer, he totally has the versatile thing down. The short-film is produce by Write Direction Films, Vardhaman Choksi (Empire Films), Prachi N Thadani (Waterlilly Films) and Sandeep Harish Kewlani (SK Films). Richa Chadha, who hasn’t been in the limelight after appearing in hit films like Gangs of Wasseypur, is also in the lead role.
In the trailer, we see Aashiqui 2 actor Shaad Randhawa tied up bloody as he gets torturted by Vir Das. From the trailer it seems as though the character of Das seeks revenge however, no further information is revealed. Apart from the bloody torture, we also see shots of Richa Chadha being screened through a projector. It can be speculated that Das’ revenge is on a past doing of Shaad’s which must have affected Chadha. the overall theme of the film is bone-chilling and seems nicely executed.
The film will be released on November 7, 2016.
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