Neeraj Pandey is known for his films which have the capability to keep the audience glued to their seats till the last moment. Having directed films like A Wednesday!, Special 26, Baby and MS Dhoni: An Untold Story, his upcoming directorial venture will hit the theatres on Republic Day next year. And guess what, the film’s title is Aiyaary.
The filmmaker shared the motion poster of the film on Twitter, and looked pretty excited.”Story of Mentor and Protege #Aiyaari,” he posted. The flick believed to be based on true events stars Manoj Bajpayee and Sidharth Malhotra in lead roles. The latter plays a military intelligence officer whereas Bajpayee is his mentor.
Recently in an interview to DNA, Malhotra had expressed his excitement on being part of Neeraj Pandey’s directorial venture. “I am extremely excited about this new project with Neeraj. His films have always been inspired from real events and I have always admired his films. He is a content-driven director and possesses an amazing story-telling ability,” he said.
Barring Brothers and Ek Villain, Malhotra has mostly essayed romantic characters in his films. Aiyaari might spell a turnaround for him. On the other hand, Manoj Bajpayee recently essayed the role of a senior intelligence official in Naam Shabana which was directed by Shivam Nair and produced by Neeraj Pandey. He last featured in Pandey’s directorial Special 26.
Story of Mentor and Protégé #Aiyaary @S1dharthM @BajpayeeManoj @ShitalBhatiaFFW @FFW_Official @PlanC_Studios
— Neeraj Pandey (@neerajpofficial) April 6, 2017
Also read: Here’s why filmmaker Neeraj Pandey is confident of Naam Shabana’s success
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