TVF co-founder Arunabh Kumar has been asked to come to the police station to record his statement after various women accused him of sexual harassment. Arunabh has been asked to report to the police station within this week, said media reports. This entire ruckus began when a woman blogger by the name of Indian Fowler wrote about her alleged experience in the company.
When this news broke TVF released a statement saying that they would get to the bottom of this issue and dissed the allegations. This statement of the was bashed by many on social media after which they released a new one.
Their second statement read:
“It’s been a tough couple of days for us at TVF, as you would know. We needed to first & foremost take care of our internal team that has been most impacted by the recent events. Yes, there have been allegations of misbehaviour against our Founder, from several women. When the first blog appeared on March 12th, it shocked all of us including our extended set of associates. The allegations were severe. We were confused & taken aback. The blog alleged that he/she was an employee of the organisation & even indicated specific content production they were a part of. We immediately began checking the facts internally.”
Also read: Twinkle Khanna lashes out at TVF head Arunabh Kumar over alleged molestation row
After this, Kumar also said he is open to any investigation. A case in this incident was filed by Rizwan Siddique on 16 March.
However, the cops said they cannot do anything in this matter till the women come up and speak. A senior police officer Shailesh Pasalwar of MIDC told a leading daily that they have tried to get in touch with the women who alleged harassment. The officer also said no action can be taken till the complainant comes forward.
The member of TVF also said that they have an ICC committee set up in every location. Let us see what turn this case takes from here.
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