The #MeToo storm is showing no signs of waning. The latest alleged perpetrator to be named in an anonymous account, was All India Bakchod’s (AIB’s) Gursimran Khamba. The alleged victim claims to have been in a relationship with the stand-up comedian in 2015, during which Khamba would ‘repeatedly try to make out’ with the victim, until she would push him away.
Gursimran Khamba from @AllIndiaBakchod. The survivor wishes to stay anonymous. #MeToo #TimesUp #BelieveHer
— hk {on a hiatus} (@PedestrianPoet) October 8, 2018
According to the alleged victim’s account, the relationship became emotionally abusive when she began dating someone else. And Khamba’s behaviour became allegedly abusive towards the victim, causing her emotional stress and anxiety. The alleged victim has requested anonymity.
Gursimran Khamba put out a statement of his own, saying that he is aware of the person making the allegations and had every intention of protecting her identity. He regretted his behaviour, recalling how the relationship had become ‘toxic’. He’s apologised for his bad behaviour and the ‘hurt’ it has caused to the alleged victim, but categorically denied violating her consent.
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My statement on the recent allegations against me
A post shared by Khamba (@gursimrankhamba) on
Meanwhile, there are more than a few murmurs about Tanmay Bhat, being complicit and aiding the predatory behaviour of the likes of Utsav Chakraborty. Some of Bhat’s tweets from 2013, also see him make offensive jokes about sexual assault and rape. Following which, the company’s head of HR put out a statement.
— All India Bakchod (@AllIndiaBakchod) October 8, 2018
Both Khamba and Bhat are stated to be stepping away from the day-to-day operations of AIB. While Khamba is set to be on a temporary leave of absence, Bhat is apparently stepping away ‘until further notice’. The statement expresses uncertainty over the future of AIB, without two of the company’s four co-founders.
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