Things in the Arunabh Kumar row are getting murkier with each passing day. While celebrity advocate, Rizwan Siddiqui filed a complaint in the matter the other day, now the corporate team of TVF has come up with an official statement. In their explanation, the team has mentioned that they are working on getting things sorted at their earliest and are looking into every side with utmost concern. The team has also said that their earlier reaction on the issue was highly emotional and could have been better. However, they maintained that they have not been able to find any contact of the said blogger in their employee list in the mentioned bracket of dates.
Check out what they have to say here:
“It’s been a tough couple of days for us at TVF, as you would know. We needed to first & foremost take care of our internal team that has been most impacted by the recent events.
Yes, there have been allegations of misbehavior against our Founder, from several women. When the first blog appeared on March 12th, it shocked all of us including our extended set of associates. The allegations were severe. We were confused & taken aback.
The blog alleged that he/she was an employee of the organization & even indicated specific content production they were a part of. We immediately began checking the facts internally.
We did send out an instant response, which may have been a bit too quick & emotional. We recognize that we should have handled that response better. However, it is a fact that we have found no records of any such person on our payroll, in that given time period, as described in the blog.
Even as we were dealing with the first episode, several other allegations surfaced soon thereafter. Please know that we are sincerely looking into each one of them. We are committed to getting to the bottom of these allegations. Many of you have asked so we would like to confirm that yes, we have an ICC Committee set up in each location.
We as a team of 240 strong professionals are determined to work hard in winning your love back. We will do everything in our capacity to learn & get better, get bigger. Give us that chance.”
We wonder if this statement will do any good to TVF!
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