Popular TV actress Nia Sharma, who is named as the sexiest television star, is currently seen in filmmaker Vikram Bhatt’s web series Twisted. The actress is being highly praised for her bold performance as supermodel Alia and is portraying a grey character in the series.
Nia Sharma is known for her bold fashion choices and her social media accounts prove that she has ditched her typical bahu and beti on-screen avatars long back. From her controversial music video to her beach vacation, everything about the actress makes it to the headlines.
Twisted is being loved by everyone and the first episode garnered over a million views on YouTube. Nia Sharma has gone a step further to break the stereotypes for TV actors with her web series. From her first on-screen lip-lock to her stripping over a game of cards, the series is only getting hotter with every episode. and After her first lip-lock ever in the web series,
Recently, episode 6 of the series was released by the makers and Nia’s fans went into shock after seeing her sharing an intimate moment with co-actor Isha Sharma. Yes, you heard that right, the story of the series is taking some unexpected turns and while people are loving the drama, we just can’t get over this bold scene of Nia.
In an interview with PTI, Nia said, ”People have played roles like these before and done bold scenes on-screen but just because my background is television, people will blow it out of proportion. Everything I am doing is normal, but just because I’ve played a role of ‘bahu’ and ‘beti’, people will not take it easily.”
Helmed by Vikram Bhatt, Twisted is a romantic-thriller and apart from Nia Sharma, the series also stars Namit Khanna, Tia Bajpai and Rahul Raj in important roles.
You can watch Nia’s bold lesbian love-making scene at 15:40 minutes in the video.
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