Nimrat Kaur, who is known for her incredible on-screen performances, have nailed it again but this time on the digital platform. The actress will be seen in the role of a combat specialist in the Indian Army in her upcoming YouTube series. Titled The Test Case, the web series marks the digital debut of Tv queen Ekta Kapoor’s app ALT Balaji.
The first poster of the series was released on Wednesday and it was simply amazing, with Nimrat Kaur dressed in the uniform and holding a gun in her hands. The Test Case was in news from the very beginning, firstly because of its unusual storyline and secondly for Nimrat Kaur’s presence in it.
The makers have now unveiled the trailer of the series and it talks about women empowerment in the most powerful way. Featuring Nimrat Kaur as Captain Shikha Singh, the 3-minuyte video will make you realise the strength of a woman. It gives a sneak peek into the life of a woman who is preparing to be inducted in a combat role in the Indian Army and the hardships she faces while her training.
Nimrat’s powerful dialogues and bold performance is the USP of this series and that fierce look on her face is simply incredible. Directed by Nagesh Kukunoor, The Test Case is set against the backdrop of the Indian Army. The trailer of the series was shared by Nimrat on her Twitter account with the caption: The tip of the iceberg! No turning back, no time for fear.
The Test Case also stars Juhi Chawla as Minister Of Defense, Shraddha Pandit and Rahul Dev as Subedar Kirpal Bhatti. While the trailer raises some serious questions about gender equality, it ends with a question, ”Does she deserve a chance to die for her country?”
The show will start streaming from April 25 this year.
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