Veteran actress Zeenat, who has been away from the limelight for quite some time now, finally makes her comeback. And this time yet again in her boldest best. No, we are talking about any big Bollywood upcoming film. This time she chose the digital platform and turned into a love guru. A web series titled Love Life and Screw Ups will see Zeenat in a glamorous role and will mark the digital debut of the Satyam Shivam Sundaram star. Based on the life of eight friends and their love relationship and struggle, the show will see Zeenat guiding all eight of them to deal with their love life and breakups.
Directed by Kapil Sharma, the series will be produced by actor Yuvraaj Parashar. Kapil earlier directed a gay love story Dunno Y….Na Jaane Kyon. This is not the first time for Kapil is working with the actress, he earlier worked with Zeenat in his first film as well.
Love Life and Screw Ups will see some famous television celebrity and former Bigg Boos contestants, as well. Some of them are Shonali Raut, Sushant Digvijakar and Diandra Saores. They are also making their digital debut with the show. So now, it will be interesting to watch them together once again. It also has Mita Vashist and Dolly Thakore, among others.
Zeenat sets a new benchmark in the Bollywood film industry with her bold appearances in the film. From flaunting her curves in a white saree in Satyam Shivam Sundaram to her intimate scenes, she dared all and proved herself as an actress. She is best known for her work in films like Qurbani, The Great Gambler, Manoranjan and other.
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