The new season of Karan johar’s popular chat show — Koffee With Karan season 5, is creating much buzz around. And all for good reasons. After Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt’s appearance on the famous couch, Karan Johar invited star couple — Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna on the show. The other guests lined-up to grace the show are Parineeti Chopra-Aditya Roy Kapur, Kapil Sharma, and Farah Khan-Sania Mirza, among others. Lately, the rumours also had it that Karan has also invited Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor together on a show. Of course, if this happens, the jodi is going to take the Koffee house by storm. But, before there’s any confirmation on the same, another impeccable actor duo is going to be seen on Koffee With Karan soon. Arjun Kapoor and Varun Dhawan will be seen making the audience drop their jaws with their witty statements on the show soon.
As revealed by Star World India, the two young actors will be seen opening up on various issues from inside and outside the industry. One of the highlights of the show is going to be Varun revealing his childhood secrets to Karan, as he hilariously says “I would run around in my underwear.” Also, Arjun will be answering Karan’s spontaneous questions on sex like:
Karan: What are you doing about sex now that you’re single?
Arjun: Having it!
Another interesting highlight of the episode is Karan’s acting challenge to the actors. While Varun will be asked to say a Marathi dialogue, Arjun will have to show his acting skills in Punjabi.
Watch out guys!
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