On the occasion of birth centenary of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, BJP on Saturday conducted a ‘Samanya Gyan Pratiyogita’ (general knowledge competition) in Uttar Pradesh. The test, which had 100 questions, was taken up by as many as 11 lakh students of class IX and X across the state.
Mainly the questions that were asked were about RSS, Hindu mythology, trivia about the UP and Modi government schemes. However, due to floods and enforcement of 144 after the violence carried out by Dera Sacha Sauda members, the quiz could not be organised in 16 districts.
Some of the questions that were asked in the test are: “What was the name of the leader who founded the RSS?When did the Indian calendar start? What is the name of the scheme started by PM Modi to clean river Ganga?What is the aim of the government according to Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya? In which state is Somnath temple situated?
Chandra Mohan, the BJP state spokesperson, said, “Questions related to nationalism and achievements of India were asked in the competition with an aim to create awareness among students. Nearly 11 lakh students enrolled in 10,000 schools across the state appeared for the quiz.”
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The felicitation ceremony will take place on September 25 and top 10 students from each district will be rewarded. Also, those students who will score more than 60% will be given a certificate.
(Source: Times of India)
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