In a heartbreaking incident, a 17-year-old girl was forced to deliver a baby in the middle of the street after being abandoned by her partner and family members in Jharkhand. The girl’s family abandoned her due to the fear of being shamed in the society after the girl got pregnant with her boyfriend’s child.
The healthcare centre reportedly refused to assist her because she did not have a guardian along with her. The girl was forced give birth on the streets after living on the streets for about 4 months after leaving her home. A passer-by identified as Om Prakash Sharma saw her soaked in blood with the umbilical cord attached to a baby and called for help.
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The man also went to health centre located just 30 metres away from where the girl gave birth to her baby daughter but was turned down by the authorities who told them there was no one take responsibility for her. He also went on to put roadblocks around her so that the mother-daughter duo do not get hurt by any vehicle on the road before going out and getting help.
A medical officer of Chandil Sub Divisional Hospital later stepped out to cut the umbilical cord. Om Prakash eventually managed to stop an auto before few women helped the girl and the baby get admitted to a hospital where they received further treatment. ‘Whatever has happened was wrong and unfortunate. There were only two nurses at the health centre, who were busy delivering twin babies when we were informed about the girl,” Dr Lalita Kashyap, a medical officer was quoted as saying.
The mother and the child who are now in a stable condition have now been shifted to a women’s shelter in Jharkhand.
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Source: Daily Mail
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