In a bid to impress his friends, an 18-year-old boy climbed on top of a train and attempted to take a selfie in Chennai. The boy suffered an electric shock and had to be rushed to the hospital to get further treatment. The boy who has suffered burns has been admitted to a hospital.
The incident took place at around 5 pm at Tambaran railway station. The boy who has been identified as M Dileepan was out celebrating his birthday with his friend when the incident occurred. He decided to climb on the train coach and take a selfie. However, the boy suffered an electric shock and fell on the ground after climbing on top of the train coach.
A GRP officer has claimed that the boy climbed on top of the coach even after several officers asked him to not do so. Dileepan has suffered 50% burns and is currently undergoing treatment at the burn unit of the Kilauk Medical College hospital. The boy who has suffered injuries is the son of a railway employee in the engineering department and had been living with his family in the railway colony.
Also Read: Watch video: Here’s how selfie obsessed woman damages artwork worth $200,000
In another incident of a selfie obsession going too far, two teenagers were killed after they run over by a train in Delhi while they were trying to click a selfied between two railway tracks. The boy while posing for the selfie reportedly did not notice the train coming from the opposite direction. Reports suggest that the boys were trying to make a modelling portfolio.
In a similar instance, 38 people suffered severe injuries after they took their selfie craze to another level and tried taking a selfie near a bakery that had caught fire due to a cylinder explosion.
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