In a shocking incident, two Border Security Force (BSF) officials posted at Silsury Border Outpost (BOP) which comes under Mami district in Mizoram allegedly gang-raped a tribal woman from the Chakma community, when she resisted the BSF personnel pour acid on her face to prevent identification.
Dangubi Milebo Chakma (name changed) stated that she along with another tribal woman went into the woods to collect bamboo shoots when the BSF jawans gang-raped her. The rape survivor added that when she resisted, the BSF personnel pour acid on a cloth and rubbed it on her face and eyes.
This incident which took place on July 16 has surely touched a new low, the girl has suffered serious injuries in eyes and is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Aizawl. During a video interview, the girl confirmed that it was the BSF officer who committed the heinous crime.
While the investigation was still on, the Mizoram police on July 22 found the decomposed body of the girl who was with the Milebo Chakma when the incident took place. However, it is not cleared if the girl was sexually harassed before she was murdered. Her killing was systematically planed as she was the only witness in the rape case of her friend.
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Both the cases: rape of Milebo Chakma and the murder of her friend is being investigating by the Mizoram Police. The police have registered a case of murder with respect to the death of rape survivor’s friend. The police called the BSF officers who are posted at the the border posts and their photographs were taken. The Mizoram police has also asked the girl to record her statement before the judicial magistrate in Mamit district.
(Source: Newslaundry)
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