Exactly after two months when Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa passed away, doctors have cleared the air over her death. London’s Doctor Richard Beale has addressed media. Beale said, “complication not conspiracy has killed Amma. Her health declined unexpectedly.”
“Best treatment was given to Amma, but she suffered with severe diabetes and had sepsis when in ICU. She suffered infection which led to organ failure,” Beale added.
Another doctor confirmed that the politician was conscious when she signed off on an election document.
Jayalalithaa’s thumb imprint on that document only served to fuel more speculation that she was not conscious. Many skeptics, including the opposition DMK, took to demanding proof that the Chief Minister was in fine health.
Beale asserted that, “No political pressure was made on addressing the media. Rumours were being spread and releasing snaps would have invaded the privacy. ”
This has come when Sasikala Natarajan is all set to take over as Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister. Pointing on the timing of doctors media address some have questioned the clarifications.
TM Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa passed away at 68 late on 5 December 2016, Chennai, after failing to recover from a cardiac arrest she suffered. Her death was confirmed by Apollo Hospitals, who had earlier denied media reports of her passing away.
The hospital announced that “It is with indescribable grief that we announce the sad demise of esteemed CM,” read the statement from the Apollo management.
Jayalalithaa was admitted to Apollo hospital in Greams road, Chennai on September 22 after she complained of fever and dehydration.
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