In a recent development, National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court in Jaipur has adjourned the 2007 Ajmer Dargah blasts case until March 8. As per the chargesheet filed earlier, several radicalised Hindu associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had conducted a major blast at the Ajmer Dargah and Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad in retaliation for the attack on Amarnath Yatra in 2002.
The people who have been included in the chargesheet are Swami Aseemanand, Devendra Gupta, Chandrashekar Leve, Lokesh Sharma, Mukesh Vasani, Harshad, Bharat Mohanlal Ratishwar, Sandeep Dange, Ramchandra, Bhavesh Bhai Patel, Suresh Nair and Mehul. Charges like hatching the conspiracy, planting and exploding bombs, murdering and spreading communal hatred have been imposed.
2007 Ajmer Dargah blasts case: Hearing adjourned till march 8 in NIA Jaipur court
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 25, 2017
On October 11, 2007, it was the time of Roza Iftaar at around 6: 41 pm, when a powerful bomb went off in the compound of dargah Sharif, Ajmer, in which three persons were killed and another 15 persons were injured. An unidentified bag was recovered by the police from the spot which had an unexploded bomb which was later neutralised. However, two mobile sim cards were also recovered from the spot.
Back in 2007, two FIRs were registered in this case and the first investigation commenced October 11, 2007, which was later transferred to the NIA in 2011. Subsequently, the NIA filed the chargesheet and accused Aseemanand of masterminding the blast. This also included few political connection after Bhavesh Patel accused several Congress leaders, including former Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde and Digvijaya Singh of pressurising him to implicate senior RSS leaders- RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat and senior RSS functionary Indresh Kumar in the case.
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