In a tragic incident, two five-year-old sisters died of heat and suffocation after being locked inside a car for over two hours in Jamalpur Village on the outskirts of Gurgaon. According to media reports, the twins have been identified Harsha and Harshita. They were staying at their grandparents’ house and had gone near the vehicle, a Hyundai Elantra, to play with newborn puppies.
Around 4 pm on June 13, the family realised that the girls were missing and started searching for them. Later, the girls were found unconscious in the car and were rushed to a nearby hospital, where they were declared brought dead by the doctors.
According to a NDTV report, doctors said that the girls may have become unconscious due to the heat and died.
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The girls’ father, Govind, works in the Army and is currently posted in Meerut. The deceased girls were supposed to go to Meerut yesterdat, where they had been enrolled in a school.
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Their relatives said they were locked inside the old Hyundai Elantra car accidentally; the car’s locks were defective and its windows could not be rolled down because of a malfunctioning lever.
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The girls’ uncle Kanwal Singh grieved, “Who knew that Harshita and Harsha, born together and always together, would go like this…?”
In September 2015, two sisters died locked inside a car at Kadarpur in Gurgaon while playing hide-and-seek. More recently, a six-year-old boy died inside a car parked outside his home in north Delhi’s Rani Bagh on June 6.
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