Seven minor girls living in a Muslim orphanage in Wayanad, Kerala have been allegedly sexually assaulted over the period of two months. Police have arrested 5 men after a complaint was filed by the orphanage staff. While, police have launched a manhunt to nab three other men who are absconding. All the sexually abused minor girls are in the age group of 14-15 years.
It is being reported that all the minor girls were molested at a shop near the orphanage and were lured on the pretext of giving them sweets while going to school. The girls were also threatened by the men that if they file a complaint against the incident, girls may face serious outcomes.
It is alleged that Pornographic videos were shown to the minors, who were then sexually abused. The incident was highlighted when a girl was seen coming out of the shop by the orphanage staff member under suspicious circumstances.
Earlier, a minor girl was raped by a Catholic priest Father Robin Vaddakumchiryil in Wayanad, Kerala. He was arrested while he was reportedly trying to flee the country. He will face charges under the POCSO Act and IPC section 376.
Five nuns Sisters Tessy Jose, Ancy Mathew, Aneesa, Lissy Maria and Ophilia and two others were accused after they failed to report that the girl had given birth to a boy last month at a hospital. The infant was moved to an adoption center by the nuns.
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