Self-styled godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was on Monday sentenced to ten years in jail in two cases each. He will now be behind bars for 20 years after he was convicted of raping two women in a 2002 case. The verdict was pronounced in a special hearing inside a prison in Rohtak. Owing to security concerns, the judge was flown to Rohtak’s Sunaria jail in a helicopter.
The CBI court has also slapped a fine of Rs 30 lakh on him out of which Rs 14 lakh each will be provided as compensation to the two victims.
Here is what unfolded in the courtroom soon after the verdict was announced
1. Gurmeet Ram Rahim started to cry and refused to leave the courtroom after the verdict was announced
2. While howling in the courtroom, he held on to his chair refusing to leave
3. He was warned that if he did not cooperate, he would be forcibly taken to jail. But refused to get up.
4. The police officers thereafter dragged him out
5. Trying to buy time for himself, he sought medical attention claiming that his blood pressure needed to be checked. Stating that he needed urgent medical help, he said that the state would be responsible if anything happens to him.
Also Read: Rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim weeps in court, Twitter says 20 years in jail not enough
6. The Chief Medical Officer held another round of medical checks on Ram Rahim and it was thereafter decided that there was no need of leniency on medical grounds.
7. Ram Rahim was then forcibly taken to jail.
Soon after the verdict was announced, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar called for an emergency meeting at his residence to assess the law and order situation in the state. Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh also appealed for peace and said that everyone should accept the sentence that has been given by the court.
Also Read: Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh sentenced to 20 years in jail in rape case
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