In a shocking incident, at least 700 expensive watches worth Rs 1.5 crore were stolen from one of Delhi’s oldest shop, Gangoly brothers in the Connaught Place. The incident that took place last week, came into light after the police registered a case of theft.
The watches that have been stolen included high-end watches including, Omega, Fossil, Guess, Seiko and Rado to name a few. The burglars have even taken away some antique watches that were left by their customers for repairing. The owner of the shop informed the police that the burglary took place on January 27 after they close the shop at about 8 PM.
They further informed the police that apart from the watches that were kept in the store, cash of Rs 2 Lakh had also been stolen.“After searching the shop, we found that watch stands were scattered around the counter and most of the expensive watches had been stolen. Many watches kept for repair had also been stolen and cash worth around Rs 2 lakh was also missing,” Indian Express quoted the owner Dhanesh Barodia as saying.
Initial probe suggests that the theft had been executed by a profession group of burglars because they had only stolen the expensive ones of the lot. Meanwhile, they had left behind the not-so-expensive watches and the owner’s laptop. No arrests have been made as yet. The police officials are not being able to identify the burglars despite of CCTV cameras being installed in the showroom. However, the police found that the CCTV cameras were switched off, which the owners claimed that it was done everyday to avoid short-circuit.
The police has launched an investigation and are currently making efforts to nab the accused.
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