Following the Eid weekend, a video of a young girl hugging several men and kids in Moradabad on the day of the festival started doing the rounds on social media. In the video, the girl can be seen hugging the men as they line up in a queue. Meanwhile, several others surround them outside the theatre to witness this “bizarre” incident. But, the only thing that’s truly bizarre is how the girl continued to smile, as some of the men from the crowd jeered and videographed the incident.
On June 16, the girl arrived at the Wave Cinemas, where she decided to offer hugs to strangers for Eid Milan. In the video, she is seen being accompanied by another female, who kept a count on the number of men she has hugged. As the hug count reached 17, someone from the crowd shouts, “Boli lag rahi hai” (This is an auction). The same friend can also be heard asking the boys to maintain a safe distance and not to join the queue again for more hugs. She reportedly ended up hugging as many as 50 men.
ALSO READ: Why Youngsters Are Offering Free Hugs Outside Kolkata Metro
Someone uploaded the video on social media and it went viral. because who would believe that a girl would opt into hugging strange men. As the reporter of a news portal suggested, “Agar aapne pehli baar ye video dekha hoga, to bhi aap samajh gaye honge, ki ye video viral kyu hai.” (Even if you’re watching the video for the first time, you would have guessed why the video went viral).
It didn’t take long for the video to be flooded with comments on how the “shameless” girl is desperate for popularity, or jokes about the unlucky guy who was 51st in the queue. And of course, the unavoidable, “Ugh! What a slut!” comment. There was also the question of how in the Muslim community, for women to be in contact with men is haram. Well, so are a lot of things that are now considered normal in this ever-developing society.
Besides the obvious online harassment, some media reports on the same seemed nearly as outrageous. Detailing how the girl was all dressed up in a Western outfit, a white shirt and black skirt, did not disappoint anyone, i.e., any one of the perverted men who only wanted to get close to the girl as opposed to celebrating the festival, as is evident from the horde of men that had gathered.
ALSO READ: Salman Forcing A Kid To Hug Jacqueline Is Everything That’s Wrong With How Indians Treat Kids
A DNA report also quoted a creepy individual, who told the news portal, “I got the best of Eidi of my life.”
But amid the discourse of her promiscuity or how un-Islamic the entire event was or the more pertinent question of her identity and phone number, the question of her security remained untouched. Indubitably, we see what we believe. The girl was smiling. And of course… Hasee to phasee, right?
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