In an unforeseen problem for the bachelors in Madhya Pradesh’s Chattarpur district, the severe water crisis has forced the families to abstain from marrying off their daughters. The water shortage in the Buxwaha village of Chattarpur district is so much so that a wedding was recently cancelled owing to the grave problem of water that looms over the region, ANI reported.
Speaking with ANI Ahirwar said, “the girl’s family had a strong liking for the boy and the family, given the state of water supply, things did not work out between the two sides and wedding was cancelled.”
Rajesh Prajapati, the Head Panchayat blamed it on the policies of the state government and cited the dropped water levels in the area as two reasons for acute water shortage.
The local residents of the area said that nobody is ready to marry men in the area due to the prevailing crisis. The village that has a population of over a thousand people is devoid of water pipelines. The residents travel far to fetch water since two hand pumps, which catered to their needs earlier, have run dry.
Not only in Madhya Pradesh, but several other parts of India are currently facing a drought-like situation.
Several places of Karnataka including Tumkur and Gulbarga are facing the shortage of water. Residents of these places have to walk several kilometres in search of water.
MP: Severe water crisis in Chhatarpur district, locals of Buxwaha say nobody is ready to marry men in the area due to the prevailing crisis
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 11, 2017
Recently, around 80 farmers from the drought-hit Tamil Nadu protested at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi for 21 days demanding loan waiver and drought-relief package from the Centre.
A wedding was cancelled as there is acute water problem in the area, nobody is ready to marry their daughters here: Buxwaha resident
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 11, 2017
Tamil Nadu experienced the worst drought in 140 years due to which farmers have been pushed to poverty and are reeling from the loss of their crops and burdened with rising debts.
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