After Delhi, 'Children bank of India' notes dispensed from PNB ATM in Meerut

The complaint has been lodged with the bank manager and the case has been escalated to top bank officials for the investigation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi banned the old notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 in order to curb black money and bar the circulation of fake notes but his vision seems to be failing after every second incident when a fake note is recovered. This time, a fake note with chooranlable has come out of an ATM in Meerut city of Uttar Pradesh. The currency is Rs 2000 note on which it is written ‘Guaranteed by the Children’s Government’ instead of ‘Guaranteed by the Central Government’.

The incident took place in Tejgarrhi Chauraha in Meerut, where a man, Sunil Dutt Sharma approached the ATM of Punjab National Bank (PNB) to fetch some cash. As stated by Sharma, he wanted to take Rs 10,000 out from the cash dispensing machine and he got five Rs 2000 notes. After collecting the cash, he kept the total received amount in his pocket and left the ATM. Later when he was making some payment at a shop, he discovered that one of the five note was fake.

He soon rushed to the bank and lodged his complaint at a PNB branch situated at Mangal Pandey Nagar in Meerut. The bank manager forwarded the complaint to the top officials and has assured of taking relevant action once the investigation is done.

Features of the ‘FAKE’ note recovered:

  • The note carries the bank name ‘Children Bank of India’ instead of Reserve Bank of India
  • Several zeros instead of  a legal serial number
  • NO national emblem but written ‘CHURANLABLE’
  • No signature of the RBI governor
  • The promissory is also messed up, which offers ‘Two Thousand Coupens’ instead of ‘Two Thousand Ruoees’


Earlier on February 22, a man named Mohammad Isha was arrested as he was caught filling an ATM allegedly in Delhi’s Sangam Vihar area with fake Rs 2000 notes. The notes had serial numbers ‘000000’, ‘Churan lable’ instead of strip with leaf markings, PK logo instead of RBI seal, rupee sign is missing, and read ‘Children’s Bank of India’ in place of Reserve Bank of India and ‘Guaranteed by the Children’s Government’ in place of Guaranteed by the Central Government.
