Harshit Sharma, the 16-year-old boy who hogged limelight after he claimed that he has been offered a graphic designer job in Google, has been left traumatised after it turned out that the news was a hoax.
Bharti Sharma, mother of Harshit, said that her son had fallen victim to a hoax phone call. She also blamed the school for not verifying Harshit’s information. “Harshit is at a private hospital in Chandigarh. I don’t want my child to be disturbed.”
Harshit completed his 12th standard with IT stream last year from the government school and is pursuing
“Harshit got a phone call. We did not believe it at first. I kept telling him it could be a hoax. He shared the information with his school principal, who further released a press note, which led to media coverage,” Bharti told Hindustan Times.
Also Read: Reports of Chandigarh boy landing a job in Google might be false. Know why
The press note issued by the department on July 29 said, “A student of GMSSS-33D, Chandigarh, Class 12 (IT) stream, Harshit, has been selected for graphic designing by Google. He will be trained for graphic designing for an initial period of one year and will receive a stipend of Rs. 4 lakh per month.” “After completion of his training he will get a remuneration of Rs. 12 lakh per month. He went for an online interview through video conferencing and was selected on the basis of posters designed by him while studying in class 12 under the supervision of his teachers,” it had said.
However, Google rejected the report sating it has not “any information regarding the appointment”. In a statement, the tech giant said, “Currently, we don’t have any information on our records with respect to Harshit Sharma’s candidacy.”
Hindustan Times also reported on Tuesday that Harshit’s Facebook profile carried the description: “Works at Google”, “Living in California”.
Also Read: Do you know Google keeps a record of everything you search?
Harshit had earlier credited his uncle for his supposed success in getting the coveted job, as he said, “Since the age of 10, I used to do graphic design as I was inspired and trained by my uncle, Rohit Sharma.”
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