Days after the Supreme Court banned the instant talaq also known as talaq-e-biddat by which women had been given divorce over WhatsApp, phone calls and email, now the madrassas in Uttar Pradesh have started teaching Muslim men the “correct way to divorce”.
Syed Jamal, who runs a madrassa in Aligarh, said that as per the sharia law, instant talaq is wrong. “We want to educate people on the correct manner in which talaq can be affected,” said Jamal. He added that they would also ask the students in the madrassa to spread the message.
National General Secretary of Jamat Raza-e-Mustafa, Maulana Shabudin Razvi said that that they are trying to educate Muslim couple to get a divorce as per the correct way under the sharia law. He also urged the women to not take up their personal matter to the police.
“Following the apex court order on triple talaq, we conducted a meeting of clerics associated with madrassas and have urged them to inform the community through students, and also in their Friday prayers and during religious congregations, about the correct ways of giving talaq,” said Maulana Shahbudin Razvi.
A lecturer in Aligarh-based Albarkat Islamic Research and Training Institute said that imparts cultural and social training to those studying in the madrassa. He said that as not many people are aware of the Sharia, therefore, they end up practising it incorrectly.
Also Read: Meet the 5 Muslim women who fought the battle against Triple Talaq in Supreme Court
On August 22, a panel of five judges has declared that the practice of triple talaq unconstitutional. However, if Parliament fails to bring a law in the next six months, the decision taken by the Supreme Court will continue to be in force.
(Source: Times of India)
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