Following the foot-steps of Uttar Pradesh, now the (BJP) Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled Madhya Pradesh is all set to launch a campaign to check ‘majnoo-type’ behavior from men in the state. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, “We will reform ‘majnoo’ type of persons. They don’t know how to respect… They are not good for the civilised society… A campaign will be launched against Majnoos.”
CM Chouhan further added and said the government is also planning to introduce a death penalty for those who rape minors.
The CM of the State told PTI, “We will table a bill in the monsoon session of assembly to seek the death sentence for rape. Once it is passed, it will be forwarded to the President for assent.”
However, the move was hailed by some and criticised by others. Critics said that the squads were nothing but just another form of moral police by the state.
Police should keep a vigil and create a safe environment for women and girls, he said.
Chouhan said that women are no less than anyone in terms of courage, valour and in their duties and therefore one-third posts in police department are reserved for them.
“Police should create such an atmosphere so that women are able to move around independently without any fear. It should take stern measures against criminal elements,” Chouhan asserted.
Earlier, CM Yogi Adityanath ordered his top police officials to form ‘anti-Romeo squads” in Uttar Pradesh.
However, officials have clearified that the squads are not for moral policing and that police officials will not trouble couples.
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